Post date: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - 17:13

PDF icon Proceeding_InCoTEPD 2024.pdf17.47 MB
Post date: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 - 12:23
Post date: Monday, June 24, 2024 - 00:48


Greetings from the 5th InCoTEPD Conference Committee

As we gear up for the much-anticipated InCoTEPD 2024, I would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to each one of you. It is your insights, research, and contributions that form the backbone of this conference, setting the stage for enlightening discussions, knowledge-sharing, and collaborative learning. As we approach the date for the conference, we would like to provide you with some crucial updates regarding the event.

  • First, thank you for agreeing to participate in the 5th InCoTEPD. Your engagement will make a significant impact on the outcome for each and every participant in the event. We appreciate the time you have invested in making your presence felt.
  • Find in this update the conference program consisting of the conference rundown, the list of presentations in each parallel room, and the listed papers which have been selected and accepted by UNY Sinta journals as attached here.
  • The papers which are not accommodated by the journals will be published in the conference proceeding. You also have the opportunity to withdraw your papers before the proceeding is published.
  • Make sure you can login to the website! The information above can also be accessed in the website (
  • You’ll want to be sure to re-check the website regularly. There will be updates even through the conference!
  • Presenters – be sure to upload all contents needed for your presentation. Even though we provide GREAT connectivity, with more than 500 people in the building, flawless connectivity cannot be guaranteed.
  • Accommodations – if you don’t already have your accommodations booked, please do so. Our recommended hotels are listed in the website. We suggest an internet service such as or to find lodging.

Finally, we look forward to seeing you!
InCoTEPD 2024 Organizing Committe


Conference Program Announcement


Conference Program Schedule


List of Parallel Presentations 



Post date: Monday, April 29, 2024 - 15:16
File InCoTEPD-template v3.docx160.81 KB
Post date: Monday, April 29, 2024 - 15:16