Call for Abstract/Paper
Well-planned emerging artificial intelligence (AI) education is relatively new to many Indonesian stakeholders. It is necessary to create successful models of education based on AI at every stage of curriculum development, execution, and assessment. It is also essential to look for a school atmosphere that supports AI in education and effective delivery and assessment involvement in the endeavor. Additionally, efforts must be made to create efficient models of teacher preparation that result in educators who can teach emerging AI that are incorporated into the teaching method and strategies that effectively upgrade the quality of instruction.
In the context of Southeast Asia, in particular, the cooperation of UNY, SEAMEO, and JETA highlights a common dedication to improving the caliber and efficacy of teacher preparation programs. Through combining forces, the partners hope to increase conference impact and promote deeper conversations about important themes and new developments in education. The conference's goals are to promote critical discourse, disseminate empirical research findings, and inspire practical approaches to improve teaching effectiveness, student learning outcomes, and educational equity through a diverse program of keynote addresses, panel discussions, paper presentations, workshops, and networking events. Furthermore, it offers a venue for individuals to create deep bonds, build alliances, and spark cooperative projects that cut beyond national and institutional borders.
Important Dates
Abstract/paper Submission | April 28-June 10 (extended) |
Early Bird Registration (150k) | Until 4 June (extended) |
Regular Registration | June 5-Jun 10 |
Revised Paper Submission | June 11-20 |
Announcement of the Conference Program | June 20-23 |
Conference Date | June 25-26 |
The paper submitted should have never been published or being submited for publication any where else. After the selection process has finished, the papers accepted by the committee will be given a chance to be presented and will be published in the proceedings. The papers and presentation materials should be written in English.
The conference also aims to publish the papers presented in the conference. The conference are being evaluated by several publishers of proceedings to be indexed by Scopus or Thomson Reuters. There will be review process to select qualified papers to be published in the proceeding, and potential papers may be asked to revise to satisfy the requirement. If then the paper is not qualified, the authors may decide to publish in the second online conference proceeding indexed by google scholar.
Criteria for accepted abstract/paper:
1. The topic is included in the conference theme/sub-theme.
2. It has:
- Abstract (about 150 words)
- Introduction to the formulated issue or problem or questions or hypothesis, and literature review (about 30% of overall content)
- Method of the research (for research based article) (about 5% of overall content)
- Main discussion (about 60% of overall content)
- Conclusion (about 5% of overall content).
- References (bibliography).
3. The content refers to at least (minimum) 10 references, it is recommended to use journal articles (most recent, international journals, articles have DOI (Digital Object Identifier)).
4. Written in English (academic style and proofread by english editor).
5. Written in the expected format (strict rule).
6. About 3000 words (4 - 6 pages single spacing). Maximum is 6 pages including references.
Parallel Sessions
Scheduled for parallel sessions will be announced approaching the conference date
Theme and Sub-theme
For theme and sub-theme you can click here.
Download template paper click here.
Publication Opportunities
All accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings with ISBN
Selected papers will be proposed for fast track review and publication in UNY Sinta 2 Journals
Jurnal Economia
Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan
Jurnal Kependidikan Penelitian Inovasi Pembelajaran
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi
Jurnal Prima Edukasia
Jurnal Keolahragaan
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)