1st International Conference on Teacher Education and Professional Development (InCoTEPD) 2016

To continuously develop the teacher’s competence, the Indonesian government has long developed several CPD programs. Some of the programs have effectively made the teachers innovate their classroom practice to meet the fast developing demands in education. However, most teachers do not make significant changes despite their participation in various CPD programs.


  1. Identifying principles of effective teacher education (pre-service training) based on current research findings and best practices in different parts of the world.
  2. Identifying principles of effective continuous teacher professional development based on current research findings and best practices in different parts of the world.
  3. Developing effective models of teacher education based on current principles of effective teacher education.
  4. Developing models of in-service training based on current principles of effective continuous teacher professional development.






2nd International Conference on Teacher Education and Professional Development (InCoTEPD) 2017

In the Indonesian educational context, well-planned character education is relatively new to many parties. Effective models of character education in all levels of curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation must be developed. In addition, a school culture conducive to character education and parents and public effective participation in the efforts should be sought. Furthermore, there must be efforts to develop effective models of teacher training that produce teachers capable of teaching values integrated in the subject matter and type of in-service teacher training programs upgrading teacher’s competence effectively.


  1. Identifying principles of effective teacher education (pre-service training) based on current research findings and best practices in different parts of the world.
  2. Identifying principles of effective continuous teacher professional development based on current research findings and best practices in different parts of the world.
  3. Developing effective models of teacher education based on current principles of effective teacher education.
  4. Developing models of in-service training based on current principles of effective continuous teacher professional development.
  5. To identify values for 21st century global citizens and principles of effective character education.
  6. To develop a model of pre-service training for integrative values education.
  7. To develop a model of continuous professional development for enhancing character education.
  8. To develop a model of curriculum/syllabus/lesson plan, and  learning materials development for integrated values education.
  9. To identify learning activities/tasks/strategies effective for character education.
  10. To develop values acquisition assessment techniques and instruments.
  11. To establish a model of managing conducive school culture to character education.
  12. To develop a model of parents and public involvement in character education.





3rd International Conference on Teacher Education and Professional Development (InCoTEPD) 2017

The development and advancement of information and communication technology, as well as digital technology, is very fast. It brings impact on  improvements, and adjustments in the educational world. As expected, educational world must contribute positively to the development of human resources in order to always innovate in the various aspects of life in accordance with the needs of the community.


  1. Identify the variety of educational innovation models in the early childhood education, basic education, and higher education based on research findings and best practices in various different parts of the world.
  2. Identify the policy and implementation of formal and non-formal education innovation.
  3. Developing the innovative learning models effectively based on the recent research findings and best practices in various disciplines of sciences.
  4. Developing innovative learning models in Teacher Education and Professional Development.




4th International Conference on Teacher Education and Professional Development (InCoTEPD) 2019

Teacher Education and Professional Development in Industry 4.0
  1. Education in Industry 4.0
  2. Teacher Skills in Industry 4.0 Education
  3. Teacher Education to Promote Teacher Competencies for Industry 4.0 Education
  4. Teacher Professional Development to Promote Teacher Competencies for Industry 4.0 Education
  5. Professional Development in Industry 4.0 Education
  6. Curriculum and Learning Materials to Promote Industry 4.0 Skills
  7. Teaching-learning Process to Promote Industry 4.0 Skills
  8. Technology and Media in Industry 4.0 Education
  9. Assessment in Industry 4.0 Education
  10. Vocational Education in Industry 4.0 
  11. Education for Industrially Disadvantaged Societies
